Description of RE-check-in
- If a check-in is missed on any given day, all subsequent check-ins will not count as part of the consecutive check-ins.
- If consecutive check-ins are interrupted, you can use the "RE-check-in" feature to fill in the missed days.
- RE-check-ins require consuming points, calculated as follows: the maximum daily check-in points x the number of missed days x a multiplier. For example, if you can earn between 50 to 100 points daily for check-ins, and you missed 2 days, with the current multiplier being 3, the total points required would be 100 x 2 x 3 = 600 points.
- You currently dont need to use the RE-check-in feature. You currently have {{}} days of missed check-ins. The RE-check-in multiplier is {{}}, and it will cost {{}} points to make up. Your current points balance is {{}}.